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we offer personal tutoring for children.
we offer personal tutoring for children.
we offer personal tutoring for children.
we offer personal tutoring for children.


“我們希望使學習變得有趣和吸引人,通過增強每個學生的學術信心來為他們的成功做出貢獻!” 妮可 

Kids Reach We Teach 由牛津大學畢業生兼導師 Nicole Rayment-Silva(右)於 2019 年創立,致力於讓學習變得有趣。


Kids Reach We Teach 方法的制定得益於我們團隊多年的經驗和研究,該方法使用創新技術與策略來最大限度地發揮年輕學者的學術潛力

Nicole 學習了現代語言,並在奢侈品牌和法律 (Giorgio Armani)、新聞業 (Vogue Paris) 和數位行銷 (Koru Kids) 等領域擁有豐富的經驗後,回到了教育領域。


Jessica Voicu(左)也是牛津大學畢業生,做為聯合創始人加入 Nicole,她帶來了五年的教育經驗、六種語言以及對全人教育的熱情。


Our Consultants

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Princess circle headshot.png

We work with experienced consultants to provide academic advice.

All our consultants have more than five years experience and a proven track record of admissions to top UK schools.

They understand the school examination requirements and assess students to place where they would be best suited. Most importantly, they have personal relationships with the schools, and can create a totally bespoke study and entrance plan for each individual student.

Jack (left) was a King's Scholar at Eton College and has 10+ years of teaching experience, with students successful in entering top British schools and universities (including Brighton College, St Paul's, Charterhouse, St Edward's, TASIS and Cambridge). He has previously worked for the UK Government Economic Service, Carfax Education and has a degree in Economics from UCL. He is a (CELTA qualified) teacher in economics, science, maths and English.

Princess (right) completed her MBA at Oxford University and has designed educational policies for governments around the world. She works directly with Hertford College Oxford to provide summer school curriculum planning and execution, as well as lecturing to aspiring Oxford students. She is an experienced finance and economics tutor with many years of English language teaching experience from around the world, as well as being a recipient of the Fulbright scholarship.

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